Cream of vegetable soup with chorizo

30 MIN Easy prep 30 30 serves
Cream of vegetable soup with chorizo


  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 potato
  • 1 leek
  • 750 ml of vegetable stock
  • Olive oil
  • 100 grams of Chorizo Palacios

Cream of vegetable soup is one of the best dishes you can have for dinner. It is an easy to digest, healthy recipe that allows us to go to bed without feeling too full. However, we must admit that sometimes it is a bit boring and lacks flavor. To remedy this we can add a little joy and flavor with Chorizo Palacios.


Cover the bottom of a large pot with olive oil and place it on the heat. Peel the potato, cut it into rough pieces and add it to the pot.

A little later, do the same with the zucchini (no need to remove the skin) and the leek. Sauté all the vegetables for a few minutes until they turn golden.

Then cover them with the vegetable stock and cook for about ten minutes. When the vegetables are tender, blend them with the blender to make a smooth cream. Put to one side.

Finally, cut the Chorizo Palacios into very small pieces. In a skillet, over a low heat, sauté the pieces of chorizo until they get crispy.

Serve the hot soup in a bowl or dish and sprinkle the crispy chorizo on top.

Nutritional comment

As the main ingredients are vegetables, cream of vegetable soups are an excellent source of fiber, minerals and vitamins. In this case, the zucchini provides large amounts of Vitamins C and B and four essential minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. The leek, on the other hand, contains potassium and fiber, which helps to purify the body. By including Chorizo Palacios we add protein, making the recipe a very nutrient-rich dinner.