
Learn to cook our irresistible recipes and enjoy the best of Spanish gastronomy. Don't hesitate and take advantage of our natural products to recreate the genuine Spanish culinary tradition in your home.

The little known benefits of saffron

The little known benefits of saffron

Saffron is a spice widely used in Spain as an aromatic dye. It is an orangey-red color and has a strong and penetrating smell, making it ideal for many different culinary preparations.  
Staying positive about going back to work

Staying positive about going back to work

You had a wonderful vacation, got some much-needed rest and took a break from the daily grind. But now it’s time to get back to work, and to your daily routine (which is also wonderful in its own way!). Here are some tips on how to make the back-to-work process a positive one.
The most expensive coffee in the world. Kopi Luwak

The most expensive coffee in the world. Kopi Luwak

If the price of this coffee already seems surprising, about 400 euros a kilo, it is even more so if you know how it is obtained. We warn you, its manufacturing process is not suitable for delicate stomachs.  
An international study verifies the benefits of consuming pork meat

An international study verifies the benefits of consuming pork meat

Demonstrates that the consumption of pork meat lowers heart risks in those persons who are overweight or moderately obese.
Parmesan, the cheese that makes you happy

Parmesan, the cheese that makes you happy

Its characteristic flavor gives it intensity and personality. However, did you know that consuming it increases your sense of well-being? We will tell you more about this and other curious facts about this cheese.
New trends in grains

New trends in grains

We'd never heard of them until a couple of years ago, even though they've been consumed since time immemorial by different cultures. Their main virtue is their remarkable nutritional qualities. Let's take a look at some of the new trends in grains in today's diet.  
The origins of typical spanish Christmas candy

The origins of typical spanish Christmas candy

Turrón, marzipan, polvorones… We all have a favorite typical candy that we love to eat at Christmas time. Would you like to know the origins of each of them? In our blog we go through the different theories.  
Healthy advice: how to make resolutions become facts?

Healthy advice: how to make resolutions become facts?

It’s usual at the beginning of the new year to set ourselves challenges and changes in habits which, after a certain time, we often give up. The aim of this post is to help you form now eating habits that will be long-lasting. 
The origin of tapas

The origin of tapas

Tourists from around the world who visit Spain never miss the opportunity to enjoy the tapas served in its bars.